Author(s): Imran Shahzad,1 Ammad Rasul Ghumman,2 Ghazala Tabassum,3 Tariq,4 Shumaila Rehman Dogar,5 Farrukh Aslam6
Pages: 12-15 | DOI:
Background: Electrical injuries are considered a worldwide problem, with hand burns being most common in pediatric population. Reconstruction in this age group is quite challenging due to multiple factors like age, vessel size and noncompliance etc., Bi-lobed second dorsal metacarpal artery (SDMA) flap is a viable option for the reconstruction of electrical burns of hand in the pediatric patients with minimal effect on range of motion of donor site.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the success rate and donor site range of motion after SDMA flap.
Methodology: A prospective observational cohort study was undertaken in all patients who underwent recon- struction with SDMA flap at institution from March 2016 to March 2018. Data was collected regarding flap success rate and active motion arcs of metacarpophalangeal joint (MCPJ) and proximal interphalangeal joints (PIPJ) of donor area and compared with the normal side. Patients were followed on outdoor basis for a period of 02 years
Results: Among 32 patients, survival rate of flap is 96.87 percent (n=31) with only partial loss of 3.12 percent (n=1). At mean follow up of 12 months, donor finger movements at MCPJ and PIPJ were almost similar to that on opposite side.
Conclusion: Second dorsal metacarpal artery flap is useful and reliable flap in complex reconstruction of burn hands in pediatric group in terms of survival and range of motion.
Keywords | Second dorsal metacarpal artery flap, Metacarpophalangeal joint, Hand burn, Pediatric electrical burn, Pediatric burn
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