(Case Report) An Unusual Case of Penile Strangulation by a Metal Ring in an Adult Patient: Presentation and Management

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Author(s): Yasir Iqbal,1 Muhammad Hassan Azad,2 Muhammad Saim Azam,3 Raza Ashraf4

Received: 26/04/2024 | Revised: 13/07/2024 | Published: 15/07/2024 | Pages: 72-74 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.5455/pjps.17141579711224


Penile rings are devices used to sustain an erection by restricting the outflow of blood from the cavernosal tissue. However, prolonged use can lead to complications such as penile ring entrapment. We report a rare clinical case of penile strangulation by a metal ring in a 27-year-old male, who initially presented to a local clinic. Despite the removal of the ring using a bone cutter, he developed pain and skin necrosis requiring extensive management in a collaborative multidisciplinary approach, involving plastic surgery, urology, and emergency medicine departments. This case underscores the need for timely intervention and a multidisciplinary approach to address the challenges and complications arising from penile strangulation.


Keywords | Penile strangulation, Penile Ring, Penile gangrene, Split thickness skin graft, Case report.