Introduction: VAC, initially described by Argenta in 1997, has been reported in the adult literature as a novel method of accelerating wound healing . However, a few reports exist about the use ofVAC therapy in children . TheVACtherapy consists of the use of an open-cell foam, sealing with an adhesive drape, and sub atmospheric pressure, usually at 125 mmHg . VAC promotes wound healing by removing localized oedema, reducing bacterial density, promoting angiogenesis, and by increasing the formation of granulation tissue . The VAC has been used in paediatric patients in a variety of wounds arising from congenital defects, trauma, infection, tumours, burns, pressure ulceration and post surgical complications . VAC therapy is now an accepted treatment modality for acute and chronic wounds in adults. TheVACtherapy should not be applied over necrotic tissue, malignant tissue, untreated osteomyelitis, or direct over vital structures such as tendons, ligaments, nerves, and large blood vessels. We report our experience ofVACtherapy in paediatric patients presenting in a private plastic surgery setup.
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