Author(s): Nauman Ahmad Gill
Received: 18/10/2021 | Revised: 04/01/2022 | Published: 04/01/2022 | Pages: 15-20 | DOI: 10.6007/PJPS/v10-i1/2
Background: Crooked nose deformity is abnormal deviation in both bony and cartilaginous parts caused by either trauma or congenital defects. It is a cause of psychological concern to the patient as nose is of prime importance in facial appearance. Rhinoplasty is a critical surgical procedure in this regard, often requiring
cartilage grafts for structural support.
Objective: The objective of the study is to share our experience of using caudal septal cartilage graft for correction on crooked nose deformity and assess in terms of patient reported outcomes, which are considered gold standard as they are paramenters for one’s quality of life.
Methodology: This retrospective study was conducted at Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department Mayo Hospital Lahore from year 2015 to 2020. All patients with crooked nose deformity were included. All data regarding their preoperative functional and cosmetics details were collected and recorded. Syndromic patients, patients with emotional instability and patients having multiple comorbidities were excluded. An open tip approach for rhinoplasty was used. Patients were followed for six months and results were measured using Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation Tool pre and post operatively.
Results: Out of a total of twenty four patients, nine were males and fifteen were females. The age ranged from 16 to 34 years. The mean pre-operative rhinoplasty outcome evaluation score was 30.9 and mean post-operative score was 85.0 which was statistically significant (p-value <0.05%). There were minor complications in few patients and none of the patients required major revision surgery.
Conclusion: Caudal septum can be effectively utilized as graft for structural support in the management of crooked nose deformity
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