The Use of A Random Pattern Fasciocutaneous Flap for Coverage of Exposed Bone on The Hind Limb of A Rothschild’s Giraffe (Giraffa Camelopardalis Rothschildi)

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Author(s): Dr. M. Adil Abbas Khan, Dr. Ammar A. Javed, Dr. Colin M. Morrison, Dr. Robert Bains, Mr. Michael Griffith, Ms. Linda Morrison, Dr. Muhammad Riaz

Pages: 25-30 |

We report the use of a random pattern fasciocutaneous flap to cover exposed bone in the hind limb of an 8-month old, hand reared, male Rothschild giraffe (Giraffa camleopardis rothschildi) four weeks after a suspected traumatic injury. Under general anaesthesia, a medially based, fasciocutaneous flap was raised, transposed and inset to cover an area of exposed metatarsus. The donor site was resurfaced with an autologous split thickness skin graft harvested from the ipsilateral thigh of the giraffe. The recipient site experienced delayed healing due to an initial wound infection and post-operative management of the flap recipient site involved dressing changes, wound toilet, analgesia and antibiotics. Follow-up showed good flap take providing the animal with stable, durable and functional soft tissue reconstruction.