Ingrowing toenail is a common problem causing lot of discomfort and morbidity. Though a variety of methods have been adopted but their treatment is often frustrating for the patient as it may be associated with considerable and long-lasting morbidity. Objective: To determine the frequency of recurrence of ingrown toe nail (IGTN) after wedge excision of nail plate, nail bed and partial matricectomy. Study design: Descriptive case series Study setting: Department of plastic surgery Liaquat National Hospital Karachi Duration of study: six months from 12th Jan 2019 to 12th June 2019. Subject & Method: We reviewed case series of 99 patients with IGTN after wedge excision of nail plate, nail bed and partial matricectomy who were examined on follow ups ( at 1 month and 2 month) for the presence of signs (redness, Seropurulent discharge, pain and swelling) on clinical examination to check the recurrence (presence of any of them was labeled as recurrence). Results: 99 patients with ingrown toe nail (IGTN) were included. 34 (34.3%) were female and 65 (65.7%) were male with mean age of 42.36±8.86 years. 30 patients (30.3%) had grade-II, while 69 (69.7%) had grade-III (Heifetz grading). Recurrence of IGTN after wedge excision of nail plate, nail bed and partial matricectomy was seen in 8 patients (8.1 %). Conclusion: In conclusion surgical correction of IGTN with wedge excision of nail plate, nail bed and partial matricectomy had good results with the recurrence rate of 8%.
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