Author(s): Suresh Vyloppilli, Benny Joseph, Krishnakumar, Raiza K.R, Shermil Sayd, Santhosh VC, Soumiya Gopalan, Naseem Keeranthodika, Sheejith
Pages: 32-35 |
Cleft lip and palate is one of the most common congenital deformities of craniofacial region leading to various dental anomalies in early childhood. The clefts involving the alveolar ridge causes change in shape and thickness and the permanent lateral incisors are the most often missing or malformed tooth. They demand multidisciplinary efforts for rehabilitation. In this case report, we present a case with cleft lip and palate managed by orthodontic treatment, secondary bone grafting and implant prosthesis for the replacement of missing lateral incisor. Treatment included extraction of mandibular left first molar, orthodontic treatment for aligning and creating space for the missing lateral incisor, autogenous bone graft from mandibular symphyseal region and dental implant supported prosthesis for the maxillary right lateral incisor. Post-treatment evaluation showed that all the treatment objectives were fulfilled.
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