The editorial board is pleased to present October 2022’s issue. Following recognition from the HEC and more recently the CPSP, contributions to the journal are steadily increasing. The days of coercion (read badgering) and arm twisting to extort articles from our gracious community are hopefully over. We are very grateful to our patrons who supported us during our times of oblivion. Consequentto the many pending papers, the editors are proud to announce an increase in the number of articles from the mandatory 5, obtaining which had been a Herculean taskduring our dark ages. Cleft and burn surgery are an inextricable exquisitely important component of plastic surgery. Both are just textbook secrets for FCPS candidates from certain training centres. Some plastic surgery departments do not host burn units. Acute burn care and surgery therefore are pedagogical, theoretical entities they’ve memorised from their times but never experienced or learnt the practical nuances of. Similarly, the advent of cleft centres where patients get free surgeries from experienced surgeons at the blink of an eye areundeniably attractive compared to the agonisingly long waiting lists available in the government hospitals. To produce holistic, self sufficient plastic surgeons, wide exposure even if minimal to an array of all relevant topics is imperative. The notion of raising plastic surgery consultants without anyexperience in burn and clefts is disconcerting. Mandatory rotation of candidates from certain departments in cleft centres and burn units has been mulled over and bandied around for ages long but never implemented.A symbiotic relationship should be envisioned, whereas the rotating candidates lend a helping hand to the extremely busy schedules of both cleft centres and burn units while adding to their own armamentarium. It is hoped that the importance of such a liasonis soin realized by the relevant people at the helm of plastic surgery training schemes. In the meanwhile, our immense gratitude to all our reviewers and contributors for their time and effort in our Holy grail quest to make this journal a resounding success, now and in the future.
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