Author(s): Dr. Muhammad Jibran Rabbani, Dr. Ata Ul Haq, Dr. Farrukh Aslam, Dr. Husnain Khan, Dr. Moazzam Nazeer Tarar.
Pages: 13-19 |
The fodder cuttermachine (Toka in local dialect) is one of themost common agriculturalmachines used in the farms. We receive quite a significant number of agriculture machine injuries at the Jinnah Hospital Lahore andToka injuries are at the top of list.Although any part of the body may be injured but upper limb is the most commonly injured region. We conducted a study to see the spectrum of Toka related injuries referred to our department and their management. Study included the patients referred to plastic surgery department with Toka injuries from Jan 2009 to Oct 2012.We received 74 patients over the period of 34 months.We found that most commonly involved age group was 4 yrs to 45 yrs. Hand injuries are at the top of list followed by scalp degloving. Out of these 47 patients required microsurgical intervention. Majority of the microsurgical work was replantation.
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