Experience of Using Hypospadias Objective Penile Evaluation (Hope) Scoring System for Evaluating Cosmetic Appearance in Operated Hypospadias Patients

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Author(s): Sama Paras Abbasi, Mahesh Kumar Mugria, Quratulain Soomro

Pages: 25-31 |

Objective: Using the HOPE score to assess the aesthetic appearance after hypospadias surgery. Methodology: This cross-sectional analysis comprised of a sample of 60 patients aged 1 to 15 years ( chosen via non-probability, consecutive sampling) admitted to the Dept. of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and scheduled for hypospadias surgery (from January to September 2018) after taking written informed consent from parents/guardians. Information pertaining to basic biodata, aesthetic appearance (gauged by HOPE score) before and after corrective surgery was recorded onto a structured questionnaire. SPSS 21 was used for data analysis. Results: The mean age of the sample stood at 5 (SD ± 1) years. The commonest types of hypospadias encountered were coronal and sub-coronal accounting for a cumulative 50% of the entire sample. Snodgrass was the most commonly (60%) employed operative procedure. There was a significant improved in the HOPE score following corrective surgery with poor appearance decreasing from 50% to 5% (p < 0.05) and excellent appearance increasing from 1.7% to 7.3% (p < 0.01). The most appreciable results in terms of aesthetic appearance were yielded by Snodgrass procedure. Conclusion: This study helped us to assess the outcome of patients with hypospadias surgery in terms of aesthetics, identification of the variables that effect the cosmetic appearance establishing the surgical procedures that yield best aesthetic results according to the type of hypospadias.