Author(s): Yangmyung Ma,1 Shafiq Rahman,2 Muhammad Riaz3
Published: 15/06/2021 | Pages: 24-26 |
Face and neck lift is a common aesthetic surgery procedure where deep non-absorbable sutures can be used. Amongst the complications, delayed presentations of infections are scarcely reported. The authors report a case of a 65-year-old lady who presented with a 6-week history of swelling on both sides of the post-auricular region. This patient had received a minimal access cranial suspension face lift with open neck lift 10 years ago using two 2/0 E thi bond sutures for both lifts. There was no history of previous complications of the surgery. On examination, a stitch was visible on the right post-auricular area, which was removed. The left postauricular area developed discharge a couple of days later and was managed similarly. Both areas healed within a few days. Our report identifies the risk of delayed development of stitch sinus and the role of appropriate surgical management, should signs of infections occur.
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