Author(s): Dr. Tahmeedullah , Dr. Shadman , Dr. Tariq Iqbal , Dr. Bilal , Dr. NaseemUlHaq , Dr. Muhammad Tahir
Pages: 17-21 |
To determine the post-operative results in terms of patients’ and surgeon’s satisfaction of the combined Erich open rhinoplasty with the Dibbell andTajima techniques. This study was performed in the department of Plastic&Reconstructive Surgery, PGMI Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar, Pakistan and Al-Shifa Healthcare Centre
Peshawar, Pakistan. Descriptive cross-sectional study. All the patients presenting for the secondary cleft rhinoplasty irrespective of their gender with the age above 12 years were included in the study. Those patients who had a nasal correction at the time of lip repair were excluded from the study. After informed consent, Erich open rhinoplasty combined with Dibbell and Tajima techniques was performed in all the patients. All the data were recorded in a proforma constructed with the help of a statistician.The data was analysed with help of a Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 17 (SPSS 17). The post-operative outcome was divided into good, average and poor on the basis of patients’ and surgeon’s satisfaction. The results were expressed in the form of tables and figures A total of 21 patients including 15 (71.42%) male patients and 6 (28.57%) female patients were included in the study. As a whole the frequency of good post-operative result was observed in 66.6% (n=14). The individual good post-operative results in male and female patients were 60% (n=10) and 66% (n=04) respectively. Being a complex anomaly, cleft lip nasal deformity correction requires a considerable surgical experience. The combination of open rhinoplasty with Tajima and Dibbell techniques is a safe and reliable method of correction of secondary cleft nasal deformities with low revision rates.
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