Plastic surgery might be considered relatively archaic by now, but it is still one of the incessantly evolving subspecialties, churning out multiple solutions and innovations for a single problem. Creativity is inherent to its nature as the quest for perfection is an asymptote that haunts all plastic surgeons. During its search for the Holy Grail, Plastic Surgery has stumbled upon Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a panacea for many of its ambitions. AI has found a comfortable niche in the plastics armamentarium. Currently, AI is being used in Plastic Surgery to read and analyze images and scans for diagnosis and planning of plastic surgical cases. Additionally, algorithms reveal expected outcomes ofplastic surgery procedures and predict the final prognosis after treatment. Artificial Intelligence has allowed bespoke treatment plans based on patient parameters resulting in much better and holistic management. For the Plastic Surgery trainee life does not end with the ChatGPT. Artificial Intelligence software has been developed to allow simulating plastic surgery procedures, much like flight simulators for trainee pilots. Trainees can practice plastic surgery procedures enhancing their performance and reducing margin for error in actual surgeries. Senior surgeons can experiment with new techniques hone and analyze their methods. However, despite the panache with which AI has entered the realms of Plastic Surgery, whether or can fully replace traditional training, diagnostic and prognostic methods is still debatable.
- Murphy DC, Saleh DB. Artificial Intelligence in plastic surgery: What is it? Where are we now? What is on the horizon? Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2020 Oct; 102(8): 577 doi: 10.1308/rcsann.2020.0158. Epub 2020 Aug 11. PMID: 32777930; PMCID: PMC7538735.
- Moellhoff N, Giunta RE. Kiinstliche Intelligenz in der Plastischen Chirurgie : Aktuelle Entwicklungen and Perspektiven [Artificial intelligence in plastic surgery: Current developments and perspectives]. Chirurg. 2020 Mar;91(3):211-215. German. doi: 10.1007/s00104-019- 01052-2. PMID: 31650203
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