A Journey Towards Upper Limb Salvage: Evolving Expertise in Free Tissue Transfer

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Author(s): Asma Ilyas, Zain ul Abidin , Ammara Rabbani, Kamran Khalid, Qaisar Javaid, Imran Shehzad , Moazzam Nazeer Tarar

Pages: 1-7 |

Free tissue transfer has vastly expanded the reconstructive options which would have been impossible to conceive in the pre-microsurgical era. Retrospective audit help to assess success, evaluate short comings and set future goals in accordance with the international standards; which help improve accuracy of decision making and limiting errors; enhance surgical skills of individual clinicians and allocate financial share according to demand. Material and Method: A retrospective study was conducted and Operation theater record was reviewed for patients undergoing free tissue transfer for upper limb reconstruction, Performa was filled, and the data was compiled by the first author. A total of 87 cases of free tissue transfer surgeries were performed in upper lim bat JBRSC from July 2015 to November 2017 of which 78 percent were male and 22 percent female patients. Results: Broadly two main categories including post traumatic or post tumor excision patients required free tissue transfer for upper limb salvage. Most common age bracket of patient is between 26-40yrs. 64 of 87 patients were admitted through emergency. No major complications are encountered except hematoma in six flaps, infection in two and partial flapnecrosis in 3 and major flap necrosis in 1. Smoking remains most common co morbid condition. Conclusion: With careful preoperative planning, developing surgical skill and vigilant postoperative care the overall success rate can be improved. Good results give positive reinforcement to untiring hard work.