Background: Studies have concluded an association between menstrual hormone levels and skin grafting. In pre-ovulatory phase estrogen increases skin thickness and dermal water content, whereas progesterone levels in post-ovulatory phase may exhibit acne, psoriasis, atopic eczema, and possibly also erythema multiforme. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the timing of surgery relative to the menstrual cycle plays a role in split thickness graft take. Objective: To compare the effect of menstrual hormones on split thickness skin graft take. Method: It is a prospective study conducted at Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi. In this study patients with open wound were included who required split thickness graft to cover the wound. All patients were female under the age of 35 years admitted from September 2018 to October 2019, in all 40 patients were included in the studies. Surgical timings and menstrual periods were recorded. The pre-ovulatory phase referred to days 1 to 14 after the patient’s last menstrual cycle, whereas the post-ovulatory phase referred to days 15 to 28. Result: Total number of patients that were completely observed was 30. 5 patients lost to follow up and 5 patients denied participating in the studies later. 20 patients with surgery conducted at pre-ovulatory phase had complete graft take whereas 3 patients out of 10 patients who were grafted in post-ovulatory phase had some percentage of graft loss (100% vs. 70%). Conclusion: Patients undergoing skin grafting during the postovulatory phase has some risk of graft loss as compare to pre-ovulatory phase.
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