Author(s): 1.Hannah Khan,2. Saadia Nosheen Jan
Received: 28/01/2021 | Published: 13/03/2021 | Pages: 10-14 |
Saddle nose is a commonly encountered nasal deformity which is still challenging to treat. Our aim was to determine the efficacy of type IV saddle nose deformity using combination of block and diced cartilage. Methodology: This descriptive case series was held at Plastic Surgery Department and burn unit, Mayo Hospital, Lahore from 1st March 2019 to 29th Feb 2020.A total of 60 (16 female, 44 males) patients with type 4 saddle nose admitted from outdoor department were selected for this study. The cases underwent open rhinoplasty and after raising the mucoperichondrial flaps septoplasty was done and dorsal augmentation done by using both the diced and the block cartilage. Results were assessed in the immediate post-operative period and at12 months for recurrence and dorsal deviation. The data were entered and analyzed by using SPSS-23. Results: Our study showed that use of combination of block and diced cartilage for type 4 saddle nose deformity is efficacious. Out of the 60 patients included in our study, nasal dorsum deviation was seen in only 5 (8.3%) patients, and recurrence of saddle nose was seen in 5 (8.3%) patients Conclusion: The use of combination of block and diced cartilage for augmentation of type 4 saddle nose is very effective. It provides a unique solution to saddle nose deformity by restoring the structural support and contour with minimal recurrence
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