Standards for management of open tibial fractures have been set and practiced around the globe1. Our trauma burden is one of the highest in the world. According to W.H.O report on road safety published in 2013 there are 30,131 deaths per year due to RTA in Pakistan2 and for every death there are 20 people injured. It means approximately 602,640 injuries per year due to road traffic accidents only. We have an array of other accidents like collapsed buildings, electrocution, machine injuries, agricultural injuries and last but not the least blasts due to the wave of terrorism in addition to RTA, that makes the number more formidable. Although no reliable national figures are available but we can get some estimate from Rescue 1122(rescue service of Punjab) data3. They transferred 75,265 injured persons per year to different hospitals
- Nanchahal J, Nayagam S, Khan U, Moran C, Barrett S, Sanderson F et al. Standards of management of Open Fractures of Lower Limb: A short guide. London: BAPRAS and BOA; 2009
2. World Health Organization. Global status report on road safety 2013, supporting a decade of action.luxembourg 2013. 318p.
3. Rescue 1122 (Pakistan). Consolidated Report of Emergency Calls and Rescue Operations in Punjab. 2013 Jun.
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