Author(s): Faraz Ahmad Tarar,1 Farrukh Aslam Khalid,2 Abdul Malik Mujahid,3 ZainUlAbidin,4 Amin Yousaf,5 Moazzam Nazeer Tarar6
Received: 23/01/2020 | Published: 27/12/2020 | Pages: 6-9 |
To determine the frequency of successful application of Integra™ and split thickness skin graft in recurrent post-burn neck contracture. Methodology: After informed consent and approval from the ethical board, this descriptive case series was held at Jinnah burn and reconstructive surgery center, from 1st July 2019 to 31st June 2020. Non-probability consecutive sampling was employed and a sample size of 30 cases was included. After release of contracture and excision of scar tissue, Integra™ was applied topped by a silicone gel sheet. The wound was inspected every 3-5 days. A thin split-thickness skin graft was applied after 3 weeks to replace the silicone gel sheet. Patients were followed up for Integra™ and STSG take. Data was analyzed with SPSS 20. For quantitative variables, means and standard deviations were observed. Frequency& percentages were employed to assess qualitative variables. Chi-square test was used and a P-value of<0.05 was taken as significant. Results: The mean age of the patients was 34.51 ± 14.19 years (range 11-59). Out of 30 patients there were 13 (43.33%) male and 17 (57.6%) females. The mean duration of contracture among these patients was 595.42 + 177.31 days with the minimum duration being 225 days and the maximum 1003 days. Successful outcome in terms of complete vascularization at 3-weeks was observed in 28 (93.3%) of the cases, whereas unsuccessful outcome was detected in 2 (6.7%) of the patients. Conclusion: IntegraTM and STSG can be considered as a promising modality in post burn recurrent neck contracture management and reconstructive surgery with the significantly high success rate in terms of complete vascularization and graft take.
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