Author(s): Sakina Malik,1 Saad Ur Rehman Sarwar,2 Mamoon Rashid3
Received: 15/08/2021 | Published: 08/09/2021 | Pages: 61-63 |
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) arising in the setting of long standing hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a rare consequence with a high morbidity and mortality. It can often remain unrecognized and delayed diagnosis can lead to advanced stage at presentation and thus a poor outcome. We present a case of HS involving bilateral axillae, groin and natal cleft, for the past five years. The diseased tissue in the natal cleft transformed to SCC. The patient had a stormy course with multiple complications. It was a moderately differentiated tumor with such an aggressive disease course that within a period of five months the patient lost the battle. We suggest a high index of suspicion in long standing HS cases. Early diagnosis, detailed metastatic workup, wide excision, sentinel lymph node biopsy and adjuvant radiation therapy can decrease the morbidity and mortality
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