Author(s): Adeel Haq Chowdry, Saad Aahmed, Noman Karim, Afshan Shaikh, Tooba Khalid, Rasheeqa Mehmood, Hafshah Siddiqui, Rabia Sana, Mariam Mustafa, Asma Mazhar, Sidra Zaheer, Syeda Aimen Anis, Asif Iqbal, Arshi Imran,Tehmina Badar,Muhammad Ashraf Ganatra
Pages: 15-21 |
The purpose of the study was to investigate about the perceptions of parents regarding the etiology and causes of cleft lip and palate in their children and the impact of these beliefs on medical consultation. The study was conducted in Civil Hospital Karachi and Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center. A questionnaire was used to collect the required data. The parents of patients under 10 year were investigated about the possible causes. Total 73 parents and grand parents were interviewed out of which 44 (60.3%) mothers belief on solar/lunar eclipse during pregnancy causing this, while 11 (15.1%) on some spiritual involvement. Fathers were also questioned and result were 30 (41.1%) solar lunar eclipse , while 23(31.5) spiritual involvement and the results of grand mothers beliefs were 58 (78.1%) solar/lunar eclipse while 6 (8.2%) punishment of false deeds. The majority of the parents consider solar/lunar eclipse as the main causing factor of the anomaly. Family history of disorder was found positive in 42 (57.5%) cases and 43 (58.9%) marriages were found to be consanguineous. 35 (47.9%) mothers and 56 (76.1%) of the fathers were found to have some sort of addiction
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