Author(s): Romaisa Shamim Khan, Nauman Ahmed Gill, Ghulam Qadir Fayyaz, Ali Amjad
Pages: 8-13 |
Breast hypertrophy, is a physically and psychologically disabling condition. It is the cause of a myriad of physical signs and symptoms to the patient, including neck and back pain, mast al gia and skin problems. Reduction mammoplasty is the surgical treatment of choice for this debilitating condition, and effectively improves patients’ symptoms. This study aimed to share our experience of patients undergoing reduction mammoplasty for macromastia with respect to improvement of their physical symptoms. Material and Methods: The relevant data of all patients who had reduction mammaplasty at Dept. of Plastic Surgery, Services Hospital, Lahore between January 2013 to December 2016 was retrospectively reviewed. Patient demographics, hypertrophy associated symptoms, procedure details and post procedure symptom improvement were recorded and analyzed. Results: A total of 41 patients were included in this study. The average age at the time of reduction was 32 years. The average body mass index was 24.2kg/m2• The average weight of the excision specimen was 1070g for the right and 1060g for the left breast. 5 patients had wound dehiscence, 3 patients had epidermolysis of the NAC, and 1 patient had partial necrosis of the NAC Conclusion: Reduction mammoplasty effectively alleviates physical symptoms related to excessively large breasts.
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